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Does anyone know the difference between the practicode you can purchase through CCO and the one you can purchase through AAPC? Are they the same, different, does one offer more content? I am curious!


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This was covered on the webinar that just passed and there will be a clip going up soon. The AAPC one that removes the "A" is 600 selected cases by the AAPC that if you code them at a certain percent accuracy will remove the A. Our version has over 2500 casses and growing that you can practice coding on by specialty. Ours in bundled into a course so you get a weekly class that goes over cases and how to code them and has instructor support to help you figure out tough coding cases - or just to get you started in how to approach coding a case.

I'm sure Ruth will post the clip where we discussed this here as soon as it is available.